
How To Attract

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Although it sounds easy, finding your people is hard. That’s why there are so many movies where high school students end up eating lunch alone. And as we bloom into adulthood and lose the setting of forced social interaction, it can be even more difficult to find authentic connections. Knowing how to attract other inspirational individuals is a great way to attract positivity, happiness and success.

Indeed, happiness comes from within. But also from the confidence of having a supportive tribe around us.

When you share your gifts with others and with the world, you create a magnetic field around you. That is made with your own life energy. And this energy attracts new people towards you. Creating this energy field also helps make an energy shift in the world. This is how it works, this is how to attract anything and anyone into your life.

elements of attraction

Gratitude can stimulate, but faith and confidence work as catalysts in this equation. And a little bit of effort can go a long way. It is interesting to realize that you are more likely to draw the same and similar energies. Another interesting observation is that when your energies are positive the shift in the world is positive, and vice versa.

One more important observation is that when you are being authentic and understand your own values and needs, you will sooner or later meet similar people on your path. Nurturing relationships with those who share your values and needs can help solidify them even further. We all need people in our lives to give us that same kind of support, but at the same time we have to be willing to give back in order for those relationships to work.  

That’s why it is so important to attract the right people and together create a circle that will draw others in. The best way to do this is to enhance your energy and emit a great reputation that can help you find your people.

Once you have found your people, it is important to keep up with your great reputation and cut out any negative influences that could prevent you from reaching the highest level of success in any organization or opportunity. By creating an atmosphere where everyone works together towards a common goal, the members of this group can benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience.

This creates an environment where everyone feels comfortable, safe and appreciated. And this encourages everyone to keep contributing their individual talents. When you are able to do this, you will find great opportunities for growth both individually and as an organization.

Why this works

It is human nature to seek belonging. We begin as early as the earliest days of kindergarten and all the way through adulthood. We tend to gravitate to those who embody the qualities that we admire. Usually, for distinct features and traits we have, wish we had, or would like to adopt, copy or imitate.

The group or circle of people to which we choose to belong is important, as it reflects our values, and at the same time, fulfills our need for companionship. This is why, I would recommend to always look for those with whom you share values and goals.

begin with self reflection

The first step in knowing how to draw people into your group is knowing the type of relationships you want to create. This means that you have to know yourself first.

Take a look around you. Make a list of a few things that you think are missing in your life. And another of all the things you have and enjoy. Are you drawn to a specific sport? Maybe you go to shul on Shabbos? Do you like going hiking, but you do not ever feel like any friends ever want to go with you. By developing an awareness about what you are looking for, you can seek out relationships that will give you fulfillment.

from comfort zome to adventure zone

While thinking about something can spark the interest and inspire the mind, it does not mean you will actually like it. This is why, you need to experiment and try new things. Take up knitting or enroll in a cooking class. Try a business networking seminar, group hiking or surfing.

Trying new things is a great opportunity to meet people with whom we have at least one interest in common. And that could be a wonderful start of many sustainable relationships. Another obvious benefit is you will figure out what you really like doing.

This will also help you narrow down the list of things and types of people you want to surround yourself with.

If you are worried or feel anxious, start with something simple. For example join a local meetup , a support group or a club. If you like wine, choose one which is dedicated to wine tasting. Do you enjoy reading? Join a book club. Always wondered what it would feel like to go on road trips, maybe it is time to find out! Sooner or later, you are bound to find the interests and people you want in your life.

You may also start your own meetups, use social media to find like-minded people. Host a road trip or suggest an activity like camping, yoga or hiking. Chances are, there are many people out there longing for a group of friends like this. In fact, you might be surprised by how much feedback you get when you get real about your truth.


When you are truly honest with yourself, it is easier to acknowledge and be aware of our wants and needs. It is also a great way to discover which attributes in your personality you might be afraid, embarrassed or ashamed of. When we refuse to accept certain traits or qualities in ourselves, it can result in resentment and judgment of others. Because as soon as we recognize these qualities in others, we will refuse them, provoking our emotions of resentment and disgust.

In order for you to grow above that, you will need to start looking at the world from beyond your own lens. Understand your own emotions, and reasons behind own resentment, guilt, shame or disgust.

And then we you do approach others, hold judgement. Find out what it is that you share with them and what it is about them that you like. Realize and differentiate between an actual toxic relationship, and if you are just letting predetermined attitudes guide your decision-making. If you are letting your prejudice mind make relationship decisions for you, you probably need to consider giving your mindset a makeover.


If you feel great about something, do what you can to keep it a positive part of your life. Sometimes we might be discouraged by failure or fear, and to feel this way is okay! But do not give up entirely yet!

Because when we try new things, we are experimenting and of course we might not succeed right away. But to master anything we need practice, this means spending effort and time. If you truly like something, you should continue trying. So when you notice you are feeling uncomfortable, choose to push through it. This way you begin to build self-confidence and stronger connections with your group members.


Now if you have been trying something for a while, and you are not making any progress, you probably either need to change your approach or quit. It is one thing to be consistent and persistent while making progress, and a completely different story when you are wasting time and effort.

taking charge

When you know you have a specific talent or skill, it is necessary to share that with the world. Be proud of your abilities and continue to develop and grow. When you think you met the person you want in your life, let them know! Seize opportunities and do not let go of what could be for fear of rejection or failure.

Love yourself and set boundaries

Self acceptance and self care probably should be number one on the list of: things you should do in learning to attract everything and everyone in life. By loving yourself, you will be more self-confident and more positive. Not only do you become more comfortable approaching strangers, but you will also attract the kind of people that you want in your life. Because we as human beings are naturally drawn to compassionate, curious, and trusting people.

As you start the journey to growing your tribe, know that you are loved, and anyone would be fortunate to know you. Acknowledge that growing your group is a process. And as you keep growing in life, you are going to discover more about yourself, and bring in other amazing souls to your circle. Have the courage to reach out, and enjoy the fruits of your honest connections.