CBRE – COACHING BEYOND REAL ESTATE – The ultimate course for real estate agents who strive for real growth and professional development.

  • Are you a real estate agent who wants to take your business to the next level, but don’t know where to start?
  • Do you want to have more clarity on your career path and personal goals?
  • Are you struggling to reach your goals and not sure why?
  • Do you have trouble keeping up with your relationships and connections?
  • Are you a seasoned agent who is having trouble staying ahead of the curve?
  • Have you taken many courses on gaining self confidence, leadership programs, and real estate seminars, but nothing seems to stick?
  • Is anxiety holding you back?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time for an upgrade!

That’s why CBRE – COACHING BEYOND REAL ESTATE exists. Because I believe that every single person deserves access to the tools they need in order to achieve their goals. My coaching program is designed for real estate agents who want more out of life than just a paycheck. I want you to thrive. And I know that this is possible. Because I’ve seen it happen over and over again. My clients’ lives are enriched as they learn how to organize their businesses, so they can increase productivity, and achieve their personal goals faster than ever before.


CBRE – COACHING BEYOND REAL ESTATE is here to help you increase productivity, manage your time and energy, overcome fears and stress, and balance your personal and professional lives. Through this program you will learn how to:

✓ Optimize your business so that it runs like a well-oiled machine.

✓ You’ll get clear on what’s important in your life and how to prioritize it all so that nothing falls through the cracks.

✓ Gain clarity on your goals by learning what works for other people who’ve achieved similar goals in their field of work.

✓ You’ll build the tools and strategies needed for success in your field of expertise.

No matter what stage of life or career path that you’re currently on, there is always something new waiting for us out there. And now it’s easier than ever before!

Module One – Chapter One: The most Comprehensive Program for Validating, Creating, Launching, Your Irresistible Offer.

In the very first module you will find A step-by-step approach that will help you confidently:

Grow an engaged audience,

Stand out as an expert,

Add massive value to your customers,

All while enjoying the freedom to choose who you work with, when you work, and how you work.

The CBRE Program includes Three main modules. Each module consists of four chapters, and each chapter has from three to ten master classes. A total of 72 sessions over 6-9 months.