Aura, if you will, is the person’s own personal energy field. It manifests in our mental and physical health. This is why, just like you take care of your physical; emotional and mental health, you should also take care of the metaphysical part of your existence. You need to take care of your aura.
According to Eastern spiritual practices, each being, is made of several interconnected vital parts: material, intellectual, sensual and spiritual. In other words: The physical body, the mind, the soul and the aura.
The aura as our energetic field, protects us from external negativity. And protects us from other energy fields, which might interact with ours. When it starts to clutter, we need to cleanse our aura so that our protection is restored.

The first step is to realize that aura is simply energy. Therefore, we can suggest that it can be easily influenced by the laws of physics. Next, understand that the manifestation of energy is radiation, which has its own spectrum, frequency and wavelength. And that these indicators can change according to the state and cleanliness of our aura, and our mental and physical health. By using this knowledge, we can adjust our energy field. There are known, simple and popular methods to adjust and maintain our mental and physical health. We can also, cleanse our aura using simple physical techniques.
Because your aura is connected to your spirituality, you can feel this clearly from the mystical effect of prayer on your mind and body. Prayer can purify your aura. In fact, a prayer in its essence, is nothing but a mantra. That is, a set of sounds of a certain frequency and duration. We are becoming a tuning fork for tuning our own musical instrument. Gently interfering, we adjust the vibration frequency of our aura.
If you never pray or use mantras, you can feel the change in your aura by listening to music that cleanses the aura. Actually, you can best practice this by listening to spiritual music during meditation and yoga. In addition to that, you can cleanse your aura with simple and enjoyable practices at the comfort of your own home.