
Point of Existence: Pass The Salt!

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Every year around this time of the year I begin to ask myself such existential questions. I bet almost every one has asked about the point of existence at least once. I’m pretty sure I am not the only one!

Over centuries the point of existence has been a philosophical mystery, discussed by many great thinkers. Here’s what my grandma once told me and it stuck with me ever since.

A man dies and goes to heaven. There he meets one of the apostles – Saint Peter. And he decides to ask the same existential question: Saint Peter, I am sorry to bother you, but I have one question for you.

Saint Peter: I’m listening!
The man: Tell me, what was the meaning of my life? What was the point of my existence?
Saint Peter: Well, remember, ten years ago you were on a train to Siberia?
The man: aha
Saint Peter: And you met with fellow travelers. Then you all went together to the dining car.
The man: Yes
Saint Peter: There was a woman sitting at the next table …
The man: Maybe
Saint Peter: And she asked you to pass the salt.
The man: oh … Yes
Saint Peter: And you did …
The man: True, I did
Saint Peter: Well, that was it!


Well, it obviously points out that each one of us decides their direction in life, their why, and what goals to achieve. There can be no universal answer here. Someone lives for the sake of their children, for another the main purpose is their own creativity, and someone else is still looking for their own meaning in life.

The truth is: Life is simple. And only you can decide what it means. Only you can make it worth living. And no one else but you can figure out your own purpose. So, invest in yourself. If you are having trouble figuring things out. Let’s talk! Love and peace, and don’t forget to pass the salt!