Cheating is an indicator of the absence of love. After all, we all know how the saying goes: once a cheater, …!
Those who love do not cheat on you. And not just out of moral reasons. But simply because they do not and can not feel like it. Besides, when someone truly loves you, they will never do anything that they know will hurt you. It is all about your self-worth and setting boundaries. Because if they hurt you once, and you allow them and forgive them without any consequences, it will become a tendency.
You need to understand that a loved one means the most coveted. But if that is not the case in your relationship, then it is not love. More often, it is something else mistakenly perceived as love. Such as lust, comfort and security, fantasy or boredom.
In my opinion, you should not try to maintain a relationship, in which treason is present in any form. Eventually, such relationship will breakup sooner or later. Because in all honesty, you can not find happiness in a toxic relationship. As such relationships lack in trust, care and mutual respect.
Do not ever believe for a second, that your loved one can accidentally cheat on you. Once a cheater, I personally believe it is time to leave. Seriously, if they cheat on you, run! Do not try to understand. Do not try to make up excuses for them. Do not forgive and forget.

Why continue to suffer in a toxic relationship? If someone does this, it means they wanted to. Especially, narcissists, who will use any excuse just to manipulate you. “Forgive me, I fell in love, I’m sorry! I could not help it, it just happened”, and so on. I can tell you for a fact, all those excuses are absolute nonsense. There are many families and relationships that have been destroyed this way. But the truth is that every cheater, cheated on purpose. Unless hypnotized or under a magic spell, they know exactly what they were doing.
The fact of the matter is we can perfectly control our emotions regarding other people. Because it is we who choose who to be with. We choose who to devote our lives to, and give our hearts to. You can argue with me all you want and act defensive all you want. But this is the truth and we know it.

Yes! But even if the most attractive person in the whole world is right in front of you, begging for love, you can still make a choice to look the other way. No lust, no illusions. It is not just about self control. Because every idea is born in our heads. The choices and decisions we make, that dictate the lives we lead. No excuses! In the end, it is all and always up to us. Once you meet your soulmate, you will know this for a fact. If you have not already met your soulmate, then keep looking. Do not settle.
Before anything, we need to admit to the facts. It is we, who allow ourselves any actions that we take in relation to other people. Therefore, all and any cheating is absolutely a conscious action. It is a decision made and not some unavoidable circumstance.
Loving people have only their loved ones on their mind. They have already made their decision not to cheat. Hence, any temptation is easily challenged by this thought alone.
Even if you feel weak or think that you could be manipulated into cheating, you can still train yourself to be stronger than temptations. Work on yourself. You are not a child. Do not through tantrums. Do not be an adolescent, take responsibility for your actions. You want to be treated as an adult, act like an adult.
When you choose a life partner and promise them your heart, please be kind enough to bear the responsibility. Love them to the end and be there for them. Because once you are capable of thinking of cheating, you are capable of taking action. This applies to all genders. Therefore, once a you know you are going to cheat or already have, have the decency to admit it and leave.
Those who are uncertain, who are there with you simply because it is comfortable or convenient. Those are the ones who will walk away whenever they have the chance. Regardless of your attempts, they will cheat and walk away in the end. They will swear to you and lie to you. And as long as you forgive them, they will keep doing it.
In reality, those who consciously decide to share their life with you and love you will not cheat on you. And no one will ever be able to seduce them. Because they just do not need or want anyone else. To them, you are enough. Repeating myself again, when someone truly loves you, it is impossible for them to cheat on you. It is as simple as that.

That is why, you do not need to blame yourself. This is not your fault in any shape or form. And never let them convince you otherwise. Respect and love yourself enough to know your self-worth. Remember, in love there should be no doubt. If there is doubt, there is no love. And once a cheater, let them go. You deserve better.