Sharing with you my secret recipe to create great relationships. Five most effective ways, mastering which, you are sure to become anyone’s best friend. Not only that but even have them fall in love with you.
If you want to be one step ahead in any relationship, you need to develop emotional intelligence. With such knowledge of the human psyche, one can easily attract the attention of others. Arouse interest in their persona and touch their very soul. Don’t miss out any more, cause now you will be able to easily create great relationships with anyone anywhere and anytime.
A smile goes a long way! Be nice and interesting to talk to. No one likes to be around Mr. Grumpy or Ms. Grouchy.

If you are not in the mood today, it would be better to refrain from meeting with the people you’re trying to impress. Remember, people like charming smiling individuals who can create a warm atmosphere around themselves. People who feel like the sunshine.
Who are we kidding? We all fall for it! We love to receive compliments and it’s a great icebreaker. So go ahead make people happy. If you like your friends new haircut or something specific about their character, tell them exactly that. Because praise is pleasant to absolutely everyone. As a rule, a person is most vulnerable emotionally and can easily fall for someone when they’re being praised.

However, be careful not to overdo it. It is important, to know the limits. Compliments tend to lose their value when they become a cliché.
Everyone is a little selfish and likes to talk about themselves. Show interest in their story, find out what they like, their hobbies, let them talk and open up for you. This skill will not only make you better at reading people but will help you realize quickly whether or not you actually want a relationship with this person.

When a person sees that you are sincerely interested in them, they will lower their emotional guard and will not notice how they slowly fall in love with you… head over heels.
There’s absolutely no need to sit on someone’s neck and burden them with endless requests. No relationship will survive that.

Do not drag your broken laptop to your friend to fix, they may not know how and you will end up putting them in an awkward position.
Ask for something simple and nothing time-consuming. For example, you might ask for an advice on an issue that you know for a fact they understand well and feel like an expert in. Or ask for help to pick up things, or for a ride .
Every person likes to feel helpful, to feel important, needed. So make sure whatever favor you ask for is something they are totally capable of and don’t forget to show gratitude.
The secret is human psyche. People are more inclined to show sympathy to those whom they have assisted.
Whatever you do, it is very important not to overdo it and not to bore people with your attention and care. You don’t want them to think that you are desperate or worse a psycho!

Now that you know how to create great relationships, go ahead and turn heads. And don’t forget to let me know, how it worked for you in the comments below.
If you would like to benefit from coaching, develop emotional intelligence, live up to your potential, find love and grow business, let’s talk.